Physics 101 but for Writers

I wasn’t the best physics student and at one point I was failing the class completely. But thanks to my cunning technique of “tricking” my parents into thinking my high school boyfriend was tutoring me in the class I was able to bounce back. (We actually did study a lot, we were just playing footsie under the table). Now I’m here to tell you that those laws of physics apply to writing as well! My latest is up at Points in Case!

Breaking In Your Boots

I was never a very “outdoorsy” child. In fact, I would do everything I could during the summers to spend as much time as I could inside playing video games. So it’s come as a bit of a surprise to myself that in the past year, I’ve grown extremely fond with spending time hiking in the mountains of upstate New York. But with hiking comes the need for gear, and sometimes that gear needs to be broken in. So I offered some of my sage advice on how to break in hiking boots over at Points in Case!

Butter, But Make It At Home

When I was little, I had resisted helping my mom and sisters in the kitchen for a while because I wanted to play Kingdom Hearts and Legend of Zelda. I eventually came around to learning to bake but within the past few years, I’ve really taken to the hobby and learned how to bake bread and all sorts of new treats. I recently discovered, while watching a baking show, that it is RIDICULOUSLY easy to make butter of your own at home. So I wrote about it for Popular Science, but have no fear, the article’s still pretty funny.

What Exactly Is An MFA??

Like a lot of millennials, I’ve had panic attacks thinking about what my future will be that eventually lead me to looking at different graduate school programs. Which normally means I look at different writing and acting MFAs when I’m in the throes of my existential panic about the future. But I still have honestly no idea what exactly an MFA is? To illustrate this, I wrote some of my assumptions down over at Weekly Humorist!

Too Many Tabs Open

You know that feeling you have when you have too many tabs open? Like if you don’t read all of these articles and stories that you’ve opened for the day, you’re missing out on becoming a better person? I think that’s something we all experience every day. Sometimes to help me cope with too many tabs, I step back and look at what those articles are really saying. So here’s a list of honest headlines for those unread articles over at Points in Case.

Happy New Year! Here's Some Demonic Advice

So many people, myself included, in the millennial generation are shackled to debt and loans that seem almost impossible to pay off. With rising interest rates, debt forgiveness disappearing and default around every corner, it’s no wonder the millennials are the first generation to see less wealth than their parents. But just because you sold your soul to the lord of the underworld or whatever demon currently owns your eternal being doesn’t mean there’s no way out! I lay out some advice on how to get out from underneath that demonic anvil in my latest satire piece at The Billfold!

Hiring! Applicants Inquire Within!

After several months of writing, rewriting, submitting and sacrificing goats, I’ve finally found a home for this piece. This piece speaks to a particular frustration we’ve all experienced at some point or another in our lives. I mean, how hard is it to find a good sidekick these days!? All I’m asking is this random teenager sacrifice literally everything for me so I can have all the glory of saving the day, is that so much to ask? If you’re interested in helping me out, you can check out my job posting for a sidekick over at Weekly Humorist.